
Buffaloes, New Orleans

2022-05-30 12:00
It was my first time playing in the famous Buffalos Billiards in New Orleans. I flew in two days prior the event to rest and explore the city, because I heard there are many things to do and this is a good vacation spot for Americans. I stayed in the City center the first two nights and had many great restaurants near by, which is my favorite thing to do - EAT. Then I moved to a hotel closer to the pool room and found another good spot to eat, so I was happy (food at the pool room was surprisingly good too). The tournament went well for me, I placed fourth out of 28 players with beating Woodward, Deuel, Lunda, Calderon and losing to two of the best One Pocket players - Chohan and Pagulayan. Coming to Buffalos I planned on playing two events - One Pocket and 9-Ball, but the tournament director made a rule that last 6 players in the One Pocket can only play in one of the events. The match on the losers side with Calderon started about midnight on the day before the final day and finished around 6.30am of the final day and I had to play Pagulayan at noon. In all honesty I rested as good as I could have and felt pretty good when I was playing, just didn’t play good enough to win. Calcutta was huge (over 150,000$ in the One Pocket) and the action was non stop 24/7. The only thing that I can complain about is the smoke. It was pretty bad and felt like I was in 20th century when I first walked in there. Overall it was a good experience for me and I will continue learning the game of One Pocket, which I hope to master one day.